Web 2.0 – British Prime Minister Gordon Brown tweeting at the G8 summit

8 07 2008

Brown at the G8

Brown at the G8

Brown at the G8

This lil’ blurb in the Washington Post is all about Gordon Brown and his staff using Web 2.0 technology at the G8 summit.  The power of Web 2.0 tech. is pretty obvious, but this article shows how these new tools are letting regular people experience and be apart of something that they would never had had the opportunity otherwise.

Here’s his Blog/Twitter/Flixr

Viral Marketing – Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment

5 07 2008

This VM campaign is an older one that many of you are probably familiar with; however, it’s still very entertaining. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s a video that was produced by Coke and uploaded to YouTube.

It currently has about 6.6 million views! Considering how cheap a vid like this cost to produce, the ROI is pretty clear. Just another example of the power of VM.

Viral Marketing – “Dark Knight”

2 07 2008

I picked this up at WhySoSerious.com.

Alex Billington gives a pretty good description of the viral marketing campaign around the new Batman flick, “Dark Knight.”

Viral Marketing – Monks’ record hits top 10 in U.K.

2 07 2008

From Canada’s National Post:

There always seems to be an audience for retro-pop music, but a group of Austrian monks who sing Gregorian chants in Latin is the latest example of how viral marketing can launch even the most obscure musical group into commercial success.

The Cistercian monks’ CD “Chant — Music for Paradise” made the Top 10 of the pop charts in Great Britain and Germany because of viral marketing. They were initially discovered because of the video above that one of the monks had produced and released on YouTube.

This story really shows the power of viral marketing.

Update: “Dimitri the Lover” is actually real

1 07 2008

According to the Toronto Sun, “Dimitri the Lover” is actually a real person. So much for being a viral marketing campaign.