Hurricane Ike: Video from the AP

12 09 2008

What a hurricane season! Good luck to all who live along the gulf, especially those in Galveston.

Tropical Storm Hanna in DC :(

5 09 2008

Well, Hanna is on track to mess up my weekend 😦 I guess there will be no grilling on Saturday. For those of you who might be affected by the storm,, good luck. I hope it doesn’t strengthen!

Barack Obama at Invesco Stadium (+ video)

31 08 2008

Obama’s speech at Invesco really tied up the DNC very well. It was an incredible crowd and great speech from Obama.

Floor pass

Ann Curry -- What a woman ;)

Ann Curry -- What a woman 😉

The Man's podium

The Man's podium



Look, it's Toby Ziegler

Look, it's Toby Ziegler

My little video

Barack’s speech

DNC Week!

31 08 2008

What a week! Although I’m glad to be back in D.C. (minus the humidity), I’m really thankful that I was able to participate in and experience such an historic event. My liver probably wishes I didn’t go, but man was it worth it. Here are some of the highlights of the week as promised:

The Tent: Blogger HQ

Global Poverty Forum:

Global Poverty Forum

Global Poverty Forum

Back of Ben Afflecks head

Back of Ben Affleck's head


Antiabortion Protest
Antiabortion Protest
Re-create 68
Re-create ’68

Re-create 68 crowd

Re-create '68 crowd

Global AIDS Alliance luncheon:

Danny Glover
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Cali.)
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Cali.)

DNC — Day 2

26 08 2008

The Democratic National Convention has been great so far! Been meeting and running into random Reps. and Sens. (and Danny Glover). I’m taking the day off from the Convention and going up (or down, I’m not sure) to Fort Collins. Fat Tire Brewery, I can’t wait! I’ll throw up some pics soon.

Viral Marketing – Response to Matt

17 08 2008

Thanks for your kind words Matt! I decided to just post my response to you b/c I think it’s good to know.

I should let you know that I’m not an expert in viral marketing, or marketing for that matter. However, I have heard things from people in the business who know a lot more than me. Common themes have emerged, though, from all the conversations I’ve had in terms of V.M., such as:

-It’s hard to gauge what will become “viral” and what won’t, so unless you have some crazy gift that allows you know what will become “cool” or take hold among the audience, then it’s really impossible to plan.

-However, things that are interactive have seemed to work better, like the example I gave of Paltalk.  JibJab also produced one related to the election:

-Another option is looking for videos on YouTube that have become popular (those that relate to your product or company) and sponsor the creator, like what Dr. Pepper and Stride gum did:

This is sort of a quick response, but I hope it helps a little. If you do create something, send it over to me and I’ll post it here.

The Folly of RCN

17 08 2008


From: A disgruntled customer

I’ve been a RCN customer for a total of one week and am already dissatisfied! I’m not sure how it is in other places, but in DC (where I live) the customer service just, well, sucks. The technician who came over to connect me to the Internet decided it would be best to set up the modem in the living room — I was ok with that. The problem is the ethernet chord the guy had wasn’t long enough to reach my desktop in my bedroom, so we had to connect through my wireless router. After a week, I decided going through the routher wasn’t the best of ideas. It turns out I don’t like waiting forever to read e-mails, who knew?

Ok Ok, so the technician didn’t do the best job, but I’m ok with that — the dude was probably really busy, it was humid outside, and I probably wasn’t in the best of moods that day. The problem is their call center/help line. I can’t believe their reluctance to help people, I was shocked! I called them last night to get a technician back to my place to either set up the modem in my room or provide me with a long enough ethernet chord to reach my desktop. The woman I talked to (who had to speak to her supervisor 2-3 times for clarity) said they could not send out a technician until I went and purchased a long enough ethernet chord myself, then they would send a person out!

I don’t understand why RCN wouldn’t send somebody to fix a real problem, but are totally ok with sending them out to connect a frickin’ chord!! haha, I can’t belive it! Anyways, after about 10 minutes of telling the woman that I didn’t think it was my responsibility to buy a chord to connect my computer to the modem — something that I think is foundational and expected of an ISP — she hung up on me!

Am I wrong to hope and think that if I sign up and pay for a service (in this case, a certain transfer rate) that the company would at the very least provide it? Am I asking for the world when I ask my ISP to connect my computer to the Internet? Maybe I am. Maybe I’m just a selfish fool trying to bring down the poor corporate conglomerate.

Viral Marketing – “Dimitri the Stud”

29 06 2008

This is hilarious. It originally went around as a real message some guy left a girl he met in S.F. However, a bunch of bloggers are saying it’s a viral marketing campaign. It will be interesting to see if it actually is and who is behind it.

To the future

2 05 2007

 Jaco Sunset

“Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Zooomr Pro Account

20 07 2006

New York City with Cheryl, Emily and John.